Friday, July 15, 2011


Ask the Devs: Healing

For me, this was an interesting round of questions, as it definitely deals with the things I do on a daily basis in the game.  I was not surprised to see that the questions are not hard-hitting, nor are they questions that I really was DYING to hear the answers to.  Especially lately, Blizzard doesn't seem to really be listening to the players at large, and just seems to manipulate and pick and choose the topics that they want to talk about.  However, they did raise some interesting ideas, but time will tell as to if they actually DO something about all of these issues and concerns.

Hopefully our GM will have finally gotten his UI set, because I am seriously needing to heal a tank that isn't a total idiot.

EDIT:  No finished UI.  :(  More PvP for me in the meantime then.  I shall have a full Season 10 set... soon.  >:D


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