Friday, July 8, 2011

PvP & Me: A Love/LoveRelationship?

I am not a PvPer.  I'm not all gung ho into it, I don't get all sorts of excited when I kill an alliance player.  I hate ganking.  Now, this doesn't mean that I hate PvPers, I just think that it's a different facet of the game that doesn't usually intice me.  BUT.  Right now, I'm currently working on a Holy PvP set.  xD  I'm just using it to sharpen some of my other skills!  For instance, because everything moves so quickly in PvP, it means that you need to think and move swiftly as well.  This helps in raids because you are more aware of what's going on around you and your reaction time is much quicker.

I'm getting into PvP though, and finding it enjoyable when I'm not being gang-raped by idiot alliance players with that silly "kill the healers" mod.  There are some battlegrounds that as soon as I jump into them, there must be a enormous neon sign that reads "KILL THIS BITCH FIRST!  SHE HEALS!" over me.  o.o  *hides behind the biggest tauren tank*

So, this weekend will be dedicated mostly to PvP, gearing myself with some basic Season 10 gear to start off with, and streamlining my UI to make things less cluttered.  Also, I will be attempting to ignore anything that my GM might say about him being right about PvP helping my playstyle.  >.>  *shifty eyes*