Friday, July 1, 2011

"Know your role."

That's what my GM told me today.  I can't accurately describe how red-hot my face is right now.

My Issues:
- I'm not mana conscious.
- I need to not cause dissension among the raid/group.
- I need to be quiet and listen to what my tank is saying and follow every order he gives.
- I need to focus on my own priorities, not others'.
- I need to go heal all of the heroics and Baradin Hold before being considered for a healing slot in our guild.  Otherwise, I need to take my sorry ass elsewhere.

Here are my combat logs from today.  I'm disappointed in myself.  I'm not anywhere near where I should be, and the logs speak to that.  My behavior in vent is atrocious as well, and I need to not be such a cocky bitch.


  1. Well, it's been almost a month since you posted this, but you just recently linked me your blog, and looking at your combat logs, I have to say I saw some things that you can definitely improve on as far as abilities being used for mana regen and throughput. I do have a rather large amount of experience healing as a paladin, but before I go giving out advice on healing, I would like to see some more recent combat logs. And if my advice is unwelcome, please let me know =)

  2. @Moon Thanks for the willingness to help, Moon. ^.^ Things have improved since I posted this, but if you see me struggling, feel free to toss me some fresh ideas!
