Friday, July 29, 2011

Healer Addons

If you are a healer, the chances are good that you have used at least one healer addon at one point in time, and if you have, the chances are even better that you have used Grid, Healbot, or VuhDo.  Me, I was raised using Grid, Clique, and a slew of mouseover macros.  I did pretty well with that, but now that I am trying to get my head into the raiding mindset, one of the major flaws in my previous set up was that my reaction time was slow, and specifically my cleansing was lacking (which was via Decursive).  So, I am currently trying out Healbot, and seeing how I fare with that.  Thus far, it seems to be pretty spiffy.  Though I am having some issues with it, but I'm not sure if they are true issues or just that I'm not quite used to it just yet.  More testing is needed, for sure.

And in the meantime, here, have another lol.

My thoughts just go too fast for my fingers!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

LOL whut?

And I was at least the second healer this guy had gone through.  /facepalm

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pretty Good Week

It's interesting, I made the statement on vent the other day that now I feel more comfortable in my Holy spec than in my Retribution spec.  I suppose that's a good thing, but I still don't feel confident enough to just waltz into anywhere and heal my way through it.  I'm certainly better off than I was months or even weeks ago, but I still have a lot to learn.

This past week was actually a lot of fun!  Hedir, an old friend of the guild came back to the game (just to play casually) and it's great to have him back.  He is the paladin who helped me understand more about my Retribution spec when I was just barely 80, and he has always been a great person to have around.  He's playing a shaman named Jynzo this time around, and his brother, Vanadin, is playing a Holy Priest.  Nice to have both these guys on board.  Also this week, with the trial of the cross-server partying option still going on, we were able to group with some other friends, like Kitain, who has been a pal of mine since my college days.  She's pretty easy-going, and has been stuck in a comatose guild for a while now.  Server transferrrrrrr!  And of course, the lovely Fhina and her husband joined us for our tumultuous first run through Zul'Gurub...

Ah, Zul'Gurub.  I enjoyed it pre-Cataclysm, and now it's a thorn in my side.  The new Troll Heroics are certainly not easy, and I like the idea that if you are standing in shit, you will die, and there's not a whole hell of a lot your healers can do about it.  It forces everyone to be more self-aware, and I like that.  Our first run through was not easy.  I had been in ZG before and done all right, but I was DPS, not a healer, so it really was a whole new experience for me.  We did complete the run, but we wiped at least 12 times, and I was so angry that I became quite upset with myself, and didn't communicate with my team.  We actually stopped right before Jin'do the Godbreaker and picked it up again the next day, it was so bad.  What's funny about those kind of situations is that the lessons you learn are not easily forgotten.  I am trying very hard now NOT to be a pain in the ass on vent when faced with adversity, as I think my attitude and personal shortcomings had a LOT to do with our repeated failures.

Next week's goals are to finish my PVP set and get into Baradin Hold.  The last couple times I have been in PUGs as DPS, people end up ignoring Occu'thar's eyeballs and standing in the Focused Fire.  -.-'  Must get this fight under control.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Ask the Devs: Healing

For me, this was an interesting round of questions, as it definitely deals with the things I do on a daily basis in the game.  I was not surprised to see that the questions are not hard-hitting, nor are they questions that I really was DYING to hear the answers to.  Especially lately, Blizzard doesn't seem to really be listening to the players at large, and just seems to manipulate and pick and choose the topics that they want to talk about.  However, they did raise some interesting ideas, but time will tell as to if they actually DO something about all of these issues and concerns.

Hopefully our GM will have finally gotten his UI set, because I am seriously needing to heal a tank that isn't a total idiot.

EDIT:  No finished UI.  :(  More PvP for me in the meantime then.  I shall have a full Season 10 set... soon.  >:D

Friday, July 8, 2011

PvP & Me: A Love/LoveRelationship?

I am not a PvPer.  I'm not all gung ho into it, I don't get all sorts of excited when I kill an alliance player.  I hate ganking.  Now, this doesn't mean that I hate PvPers, I just think that it's a different facet of the game that doesn't usually intice me.  BUT.  Right now, I'm currently working on a Holy PvP set.  xD  I'm just using it to sharpen some of my other skills!  For instance, because everything moves so quickly in PvP, it means that you need to think and move swiftly as well.  This helps in raids because you are more aware of what's going on around you and your reaction time is much quicker.

I'm getting into PvP though, and finding it enjoyable when I'm not being gang-raped by idiot alliance players with that silly "kill the healers" mod.  There are some battlegrounds that as soon as I jump into them, there must be a enormous neon sign that reads "KILL THIS BITCH FIRST!  SHE HEALS!" over me.  o.o  *hides behind the biggest tauren tank*

So, this weekend will be dedicated mostly to PvP, gearing myself with some basic Season 10 gear to start off with, and streamlining my UI to make things less cluttered.  Also, I will be attempting to ignore anything that my GM might say about him being right about PvP helping my playstyle.  >.>  *shifty eyes*

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Suck It Up.

Okay, I'm going to suck it up and try to get myself together.  Kamikita (my alt paladin) hit 85 with Fallenjack and Omnitek last night, and so this means the following things are next for Bloodforged:
  •  Our GM is taking a short break from the game.  He's got a busy week coming up, and he also wants to re-vamp our guild website so that when we start recruiting, it will look better and be updated.
  • I need to focus on Fireland daily quests to open up the NPCs out there.
  • I also need to put on my healing gear on Akanekita and do EVERYTHING as a healer if I want to have a shot at raid content in Bloodforged as a healer.  This means heroic dungeons, Ahune runs, and Baradin Hold to start off.
  • I need to get some followers on here!  I need to hit up my friends and stuff on Facebook or something.  It's nice to have a place to put my thoughts about my WoW stuffs, but I should get some more discussions and such going.  ^.^  This is going to be kinda counter-intuitive for me, because I usually don't like others looking at my writing, but I love doing it!  Plus, it will be nice to actually get some feedback from people on various topics.

Friday, July 1, 2011

"Know your role."

That's what my GM told me today.  I can't accurately describe how red-hot my face is right now.

My Issues:
- I'm not mana conscious.
- I need to not cause dissension among the raid/group.
- I need to be quiet and listen to what my tank is saying and follow every order he gives.
- I need to focus on my own priorities, not others'.
- I need to go heal all of the heroics and Baradin Hold before being considered for a healing slot in our guild.  Otherwise, I need to take my sorry ass elsewhere.

Here are my combat logs from today.  I'm disappointed in myself.  I'm not anywhere near where I should be, and the logs speak to that.  My behavior in vent is atrocious as well, and I need to not be such a cocky bitch.