Thursday, June 16, 2011

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

When my guild decided that we were going to power out all of the guild achievements for the heroic Wrath dungeons before moving on to the Cataclysm zones and leveling to 85, I was fairly confident that we wouldn't have any problems doing this.  I had forgotten about the Occulus.  >.<

The Occulus is not, by any stretch of the imagination, the most popular dungeon on World Of Warcraft.  In fact, many people still quit upon entering it via the Random Group Finder.  Having only done this dungeon in a DPS role, I have always found it to be fairly decent, and as soon as you understand how to use your drake effectively, the last fight is a walk in the park.  However, I have never done this as a healer.

So, off we go, and having done the Occulus once before on non-heroic mode, I was already okay with the basics of each boss fight and how to heal through certain things.  I was not, however, prepared for a serious addon malfunction and the ensuing confusion on the last boss.  After mounting up to take on Ley-Guardian Eregos, my Grid was not showing my tank as a targetable player.  Basically, it was not recognizing that he was on a drake at all, and showed him as out of range.  I told him he was not showing up, and reloaded my UI, but still had the same difficulty.  He didn't seem to grasp what I was trying to tell him, and needless to say, when the boss was aggroed, I wasn't able to heal him, we wiped, and after a short discussion, I rebooted the game entirely, and that seemed to solve the issue.  Then we did just fine and got through the fight (barely), but it really raised some interesting questions for myself and my guild.

How does your guild deal with adversity in the middle of a fight?  Generally, I'd say we do really well.  When groups of mobs are pulled that we didn't expect to be pulled or someone does something outside of what one would consider a textbook scenario, we know our characters well enough to pull out tricks to help us all get through the moment of "OMGWTFBBQ?!?"  We still have our moments of crossed wires apparently, and that just tells me that I need to work on my own communication skills so that I can effectively communicate issues and strategies to my guildies.

How do you best learn about a fight or encounter?  In this case, I was not well-versed in the drake healing section of The Occulus.  I know that I learn best by trial and error, but I can't always use that, as there are other people who are relying on me to keep them healed!  So, before I went in, I got basic ideas from great websites like WoWWiki and TankSpot, and tried to keep things together with the knowledge I snagged from there.  Doable, but not fantastic.

So, the lessons taken away from this are: Communicate effectively with your group, and try to know the fights beforehand!


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