Monday, June 20, 2011


Nevermind.  After going a whole level's worth of questing into Vashj'ir, I realized that I didn't turn my XP back on after doing some solo work last night.  -.-'  *sigh*  So that pretty much killed any momentum that we had as a group.  My GM signed off for the night, and I am left to catch up to where they are.  This is a definite drawback to questing in a set group.

*sigh*  And on top of that, I got into a Throne of Tides PUG to get some of the XP I needed, and did all right healing-wise, but on the last boss, a Ret Paladin died because he was standing in the bad stuff and had aggro on the mob that the tank should have had (the tank was trying to get it off him, but the idiot had Righteous Fury on for some unknown reason).  Then I get the comment from him in party chat:  "... heals?"  *eyetwitch*  But instead of bitching him out, I didn't.  Wasn't worth it.  Then the tool takes the plate healer gear that dropped.  ...  I just...  REALLY?!?  -.-'

The game is becoming more and more about gear and bullshit like that.  Everyone expects to ride on the shoulders of their tank/heals, and if they die, then heaven forbid anyone point out that they were STANDING IN THE DAMN FIRE.  I am spoiled in the fact that my tank/GM knows his shit and has been brought up with the Vanilla mentality, rather than the Wrath Baby mentality.  I will admit that I came in on Wrath, but I'd like to think I'm not as scrub-tastic as most of the people out there playing WoW nowadays.  I just hope that we will be able to find some exceptional players to join us in raids eventually.  That would be great.


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