So shhhhh... Don't tell anyone, but I started a Shaman. :P Actually, I figured that the mail INT pieces I had used on my paladin while she was leveling are no longer being used, so why not start a new character that could use them? It's been fun thus far, but I always go back to my paladin.
Tonight my guild will be working on leveling in the Cata zones together to get another level under our belts. I posted last time about getting all of the Wrath heroics out of the way, and now that all of those guild achievements are taken care of, now comes the downhill task of getting to 85. Fortunately, this period of time will be more focused on Fallenjack (my GM's prot warrior) and Omnitek (one of my fellow officers, his warlock), because my main is already outfitted quite nicely with Ret/Holy gear. 80-85 on Kamikita will be concentrated more on refining my healing mechanics and fixing my UI to be as smooth as possible.
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