Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Welcome Home!

What an awesome day!  First off, our roguey troll, Kitain, has finally transferred servers and we welcomed her to the realm today.  She suprised me by showing up while I was doing my dailies and I was all like, "OMGWTBBQ!!"  Very nice to finally have her around.  We just have to fix her vent issue, and it's all good.  Secondly, another new applicant, Wildmoon, transferred servers today as well, along with a couple of her alts.  She's pretty spiffy, and I am anxious to get into some dungeons with her and see how she does.  And finally, I downed Beth'tilac and Shannox today and received my first two pieces of dropped Firelands gear!  :D  So exciting!  Oh, and our guild has earned another level!  I am very happy about all this.  ^.^

Longer post of substance later!  Must go frolic.


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