More recruitment has been happening, and we have added at least one more member to our ranks. We welcome applicant Kayvaan, and hope that he does well with us! Kitain has finally actually applied to the guild, and she is chomping at the bit to get some RAP (Raid Attendance Points) accrued. ^.^
Next week will see Bloodforged in our first guild activity! Recently we have a had a lot of stuff going on in everyone's lives, so guild stuff seemed to take a back seat for some. Hopefully we all get a chance to unwind and relax soon!
Other than that, I have been reading over strategies for healing various raids. My only shortcoming right now is that I don't know the fights inside and out like I should, but that is something that will come with time and EFFORT! Speaking of effort, if any of my guildies are reading this and still need gear in various places, GET ON IT! I'll heal for ya if you are after something specific.
Also, (and this is more of a personal reminder) I need to add another power aura or perhaps some visual reminder for when my Judgements of the Pure is not up. I heart my 9% haste buff.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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