Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New Pet & New Mounts!

It's been a while since I have posted, but it is not for lack of gaming!  I have been doing a lot in SW:TOR and WoW, and am excited for so many things coming up!

Division Nine (my guild) is one boss kill away from clearing everything in the SW:TOR PVE end-game content.  3% left on Kephess, we can do it!

In WoW-related personal news, I got the Vial of The Sands recipe on my Druid a while back, and promptly set about making a beautiful Sandstone Drake!  So excited about that.  ^.^  13 canopic jars later...

This is a truly awesome mount.  Also managed to pick up the Crawling Claw via Archaeology, which is a fun pet!  It makes the same squeaky-purring noises as the Creepy Crate and walks with its fingers.

A friend helped me get this one: The Spectral Windrider.

There will be more news coming, but right now I need to get ready for a guild event!

~Kita  ^.^


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