Monday, February 20, 2012

Change Of Titles & Reasoning Behind The Awesome

Again, I haven't been writing here with any sort of regularity, which really sucks for my one reader.  xD  Anyhow, things have been going down an interesting path in the world of this paladin.  Recently, my Guild Master, Fallenjack, stepped sideways and gave me the acting title of GM for Bloodforged.  This was something that we had spoke of for a long time, so it was not a snap decision.  Initially I was not totally thrilled with it, seeing as how my GM put a hell of a lot of time and effort into the guild, and I wasn't sure if I would be able to lead as effectively as he did.  But eventually, I came around, and I am sure that I will be fine GM for our little guild.  Thank goodness Fallenjack will still be stepping into WoW to help lead our raids!

Aside from that, it seems that Bloodforged is... taking another impromptu vacation.  -.-'  On the up side, at least we all know each other enough to let each other know what is going on.  My shaman is moving to a new place (Arkansas, mecca of... ______?) and my rogue is taking a trip to Vermont to see some friends and do some other assorted things up there.  And with my 2 warriors, 1 hunter, and myself enjoying Star Wars The Old Republic, I suppose it's up to my second hunter and the crickets to get the raiding done!  Cricket DPS is viable in raids, yeah?

On the subject of SWTOR, I must say that I am thinking of making this a gamer's blog, not just a WoW blog.  Which is slightly sad because I <3 my banner art so hard, I should have the original framed and hung in my den.  In SWTOR I have focused on 2 characters, both Sith Twi'lek Inquisitors, one as a sorcerer (healer) and one an assassin (tank).  Thus far, my healer is the one I am particularly enjoying.  I'm not sure that this is due to my cautious nature and my fondness for having a meat shield in front of me, but Akanekita has been reincarnated once more as a healer!  Kyriekita went from a mage to a tank.  ...  *insert mage tank joke here* I may yet change her to a DPS assassin...  Time will tell.  All I know about her is that I want her to have some awesome pink light sabers at some point.  >:D  Pink light sabers = badass.

Oh!  So here are some interesting thoughts that I wanted to put here...

This is something I realized the other day while talking to Fallenjack (who also has been reincarnated in SWOTR as a Sith Juggernaut):  When I decide what character to play in an MMORPG, I mainly do so based on looks.  Shallow, perhaps, but that's exactly how it is for me!  I want to play a character that I like to look at!  My first character in Perfect World was a venomancer, not because I liked the caster/pet class, but because I wanted to have a fox tail and fox ears.  THAT'S IT.  In WoW, I saw the other paladins and got all starry-eyed because of their beautiful plate armor and impressive weapons.  And now in SWTOR I want to wield the spiffy double light sabers and saber staffs.  In a possible act of personal atonement for my shallowness, my secondary method of choosing a character has to do with the people I play with.  Depending on the group or partner, I will choose something that compliments their classes.  If they are all tank/DPS, I'm the healer; if we already have heals, I roll as DPS, etc.  This usually ends up with me finding new things that I enjoy, or things that frustrate the hell out of me!

If you are reading this, I want to know:  Why do you play the classes/races/characters you play?

How can you NOT want to look this awesome?!?

1 comment:

  1. My primary factors are looks and versatility. I can't stand filling one role all the time. I can heal or tank as my raid role indefinitely, but outside of raids/dungeons I need to mix it up from time to time.
