In order to help my guild with getting our weekly guild challenge for raiding done, I was told by our GM that we needed to have a level 70 raid team. Originally I thought of giving another shot at healing as a Restoration Druid, but after thinking it over and talking with other guildies about it, I decided I would start yet another Holy Paladin. In order to level quickly, I figured, "eh, I'll go Protection so that I can faceroll my way to level 70 as a tank, then switch to my beloved holy heals." Hrrrm. Not as easy as I thought. Even if I ignore the idea that most groups I get stuck with when using the LFD system are also facerolling as well and are wanting to run through each dungeon like they were the star of the latest action movie, I still feel like there is a lot to tanking that I am not utilizing properly and therefore not doing as well as I should have.
My first issue is that I haven't looked into it properly and I only know what I have seen other tanks do from the viewpoint of DPS or healer. This, of course, leaves a LOT to the imagination, and I find myself just pushing random buttons in an effort to maintain aggro. However, I still manage to do really well in BGs! xD I think some more research into Protection is definitely needed before I use the LFG system again. Also, I think perhaps making myself some twink items would be a good idea as well.
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